Workforce Development

Building the next generation of sustainable construction workers

Rapidly increasing demand for high performance, energy-efficient homes has created a significant labor shortage in the residential construction industry. Leveraging more than 20 years of experience in the green building sectors, we partner with all types of organizations to analyze the market, develop new approaches, and deliver custom training programs that help bring new and diverse workers to the industry. Our programs can be tailored to meet specific needs, either as an enhancement to work you’re already doing or as a standalone initiative. All of our programs are designed to help bridge the gap between demand for climate-friendly housing and the skills of the existing workforce.


Current Program Offerings

New Worker Training & Development

Training and resources specifically targeted at students and workers new to the construction industry. We partner with community organizations to offer a mix of classroom and on-the-job training to set new workers up for success. 

Residential Career Hub

We developed this resource to serve as a hub for all things related to building a career in residential construction. Here you’ll find career pathway information, see available jobs, and learn more about how to connect with our programs. 

Why Partner on Workforce Development Programs?

Help prospective workers find clear pathways and ongoing support for careers in the green building industry 

Help employers receive access to a pipeline of well-trained, reliable employees

Help meet the needs of communities traditionally underrepresented in the building industry, helping to create a more diverse and equitable workforce

Training and Development Partner

We work closely with EnerCity Collaborative (ECC) on our workforce development programs. Founded and led by former Earth Advantage Workforce Development Training Manager James Metoyer, ECC places a special focus on ensuring that BIPOC communities have equitable access to healthy, sustainable, and energy-efficient housing. 


Current Program Partners

Interested in integrating our trainings into your workforce program?

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